El Departamento de Enlace y Cooperación Institucional crea este blog con información actual y relevante acerca de noticias, avances y descubrimientos; esto con el fin de elevar nuestra presencia a nivel Internacional, fomentar lazos de Cooperación con Instituciones Hospitalarias vinculadas y difundir el quienes somos y qué hacemos en el día a día del O.P.D. Hospital Civil de Guadalajara.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Dr. Mario Paredes Espinosa died victim of pneumonia at the age of 83

The specialist founded in 1966 the service of Internal Medicine, which  headed even before his death, in addition to having directed the school of Medicine of the U de G from 1970 to 1972, and the service of "Cancerology " of the Civil Hospital, from 1960 to 1966.

The doctorwas one of the pioneers in using the chemotherapy to fight the cancer in Jalisco.

As investigator, Paredes Espinosa focused in studying the tropical illnesses and cancer; and was continued  at the Dr. Juan I. Menchaca Hospital , the Tower of Specialities in the Ancient Civil Hospital and the Dermatologic Institute of Jalisco " José Barba Rubio ".

Chief of the Internal Medicine Service of the Ancient Civil Hospital of Guadalajara

“ Fray  Antonio Alcalde ”

Dean of Internal Medicine in Jalisco and Mexico with wide international recognition. Founder and chief of the Service at the Ancient Civil Hospital of Guadalajara from 1966 to his last days. He was recognized mentor of multiple medical generations, who was delivering more than 50 years from his professional life to the investigation and to his passionate hospitable mission with the professionalism, responsibility and mystique of service to the patient, that his brilliant welfare trajectory and scientific academician -always distinguished in the Ancient Civil Hospital “fray Antonio Alcalde ” and the University of Guadalajara.

Our hospitable community pays tribute in memory of the affectionate teacher and friend who leaves to us a big example and an indelible trace.

2 comentarios:

  1. Siempre se le recordara, Maestro ejemplar. es imposible no Hablar del Dr Mario Paredes cuando recordamos la escuela de Medicina.

